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Case studies

eGovernment and innovation in public administration (InnoPA)
eGovernment and innovation in public administration (InnoPA)
InnoPA aims to democratize digital benefits for citizens in Egypt. It supports citizen-centric digital transformation through rule creation, process modification and trainings for civil servants.
Equal Opportunities and Social Development (EOSD)
Equal opportunities and social development (EOSD)
EOSD focuses on improving the preconditions for the societal participation of young people in Egypt, especially women and people with disabilities.
Energising Development (EnDev)
Energising Development (EnDev)
Energising Development (EnDev) is an international flagship programme for providing energy access. Approximately 675-million people worldwide live without electricity and about 2.3-billion people lack access to clean cooking solutions.
Sport for Development in Africa (S4DA)
Sport for Development in Africa (S4DA)
S4DA uses sport and physical activities as a tool to promote gender equality by empowering women and girls and by fostering positive masculinity in boys and men.
Fund for the promotion of innovation in agriculture (i4Ag)
Fund for the promotion of innovation in agriculture (i4Ag)
The Fund to promote innovation in agriculture (i4Ag) aims to promote gender sensitive and sustainable innovations in the agri-food sector.
Ethio-German Sustainable Training and Education Programme (STEP)
Ethio-German Sustainable Training and Education Programme (STEP)
STEP focuses on enhancing the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) system and universities of applied sciences (UAS) in Ethiopia.