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Energising Development (EnDev)

Energising Development (EnDev) is an international flagship programme for providing energy access. 675 million people worldwide live without electricity and about 2.3 billion people lack access to clean cooking solutions. This has a dramatic impact on social development, economic opportunities, health, education and the environment. Thus, EnDev’s involvement focuses on providing access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy as a means to deliver social, economic, and environmental change.

Energising Development (EnDev)

Reframe in action

EnDev is a multi-stakeholder programme with mutliple reporting frameworks for different donors. The programme uses Reframe Monitor as central platform for monitoring data at project and global level. For this, a multi-workspace setup was selected with an inter-connected data model with sub-models per country and project. All established processes, calculation formulas and existing data from the last ten years have been integrated in the software.

The key drivers to implement the software are:

  • Providing donors, partners and management with realistic and reliable data on interventions and progress of all activities, indicators and KPIs
  • Serving internal management and steering processes of the programme by identifying areas in need for adjustment or corrective actions
  • Validation of project outcomes for the individual project and reallocation of funds
  • Checks on plausibility of attribution of results and data correction needs
  • Aggregation of data over a number of individual projects, partners and people involved dispersed over wide territories

Reframe highlights

Product(s)Reframe Monitor
Key data pointsTechnology Sales, PV systems, Stoves, Mini-grids, Appliances, Biogas digesters
Beneficiary groupsHouseholds, MSMEs, Social infrastructure
Number of data sets< 100.000
Multi-workspace setup22 countries / projects
Implementation partner Mainlevel Consulting

Organisations supporting this project

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